Understanding REM Unit In CSS | CSS Unit Converter

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Understanding REM Unit In CSS

Understanding REM Unit In CSS | CSS Unit Converter

Use cases of rem (Root EM) in CSS. The purpose and advantages of rem units, demonstrating ways to use rem units to improve accessibility and mobile/desktop responsiveness of the website.


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  • Title

    Understanding REM Unit In CSS | CSS Unit Converter

  • Description

    Use cases of rem (Root EM) in CSS. The purpose and advantages of rem units, demonstrating ways to use rem units to improve accessibility and mobile/desktop responsiveness of the website.

  • Keywords

    css, unit, converter, rem, unit

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    <title>Understanding REM Unit In CSS | CSS Unit Converter</title>
    <meta name="description" content="Use cases of rem (Root EM) in CSS. The purpose and advantages of rem units, demonstrating ways to use rem units to improve accessibility and mobile/desktop responsiveness of the website.">
    <meta name="keywords" content="css, unit, converter, rem, unit">
    <meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff">
    <meta name="author" content="Arthur Arakelyan">
    <!-- Open Graph Meta Tags -->
    <meta property="og:title" content="Understanding REM Unit In CSS | CSS Unit Converter">
    <meta property="og:description" content="Use cases of rem (Root EM) in CSS. The purpose and advantages of rem units, demonstrating ways to use rem units to improve accessibility and mobile/desktop responsiveness of the website.">
    <meta property="og:url" content="https://cssunitconverter.vercel.app/blog/understanding-rem-unit-in-css">
    <meta property="og:type" content="website">
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    <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
    <meta name="twitter:title" content="Understanding REM Unit In CSS | CSS Unit Converter">
    <meta name="twitter:description" content="Use cases of rem (Root EM) in CSS. The purpose and advantages of rem units, demonstrating ways to use rem units to improve accessibility and mobile/desktop responsiveness of the website.">
    <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://cssunitconverter.vercel.app/images/og/en/https://cssunitconverter.vercel.app/images/blog/en/understanding-rem-unit-in-css/og.png">
  • JSON

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      "description": "Use cases of rem (Root EM) in CSS. The purpose and advantages of rem units, demonstrating ways to use rem units to improve accessibility and mobile/desktop responsiveness of the website.",
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        "description": "Use cases of rem (Root EM) in CSS. The purpose and advantages of rem units, demonstrating ways to use rem units to improve accessibility and mobile/desktop responsiveness of the website.",
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        "description": "Use cases of rem (Root EM) in CSS. The purpose and advantages of rem units, demonstrating ways to use rem units to improve accessibility and mobile/desktop responsiveness of the website.",
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Application schema

  • Schema

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        "description": "Use cases of rem (Root EM) in CSS. The purpose and advantages of rem units, demonstrating ways to use rem units to improve accessibility and mobile/desktop responsiveness of the website.",
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        "dateCreated": "2023-12-09",
        "datePublished": "2023-12-09",
        "dateModified": "2025-01-14",
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        "@context": "https://schema.org",
        "@type": "FAQPage",
        "mainEntity": [
            "@type": "Question",
            "name": "What is the difference between rem and em units?",
            "acceptedAnswer": {
              "@type": "Answer",
              "text": "The main difference between <code>rem</code> and <code>em</code> units lies in their <b>reference points for base size</b>. The <code>em</code> unit is relative to the <code>font-size</code> of its <b>parent element</b>. <code>rem</code> stands for \"root em\", it's only relative to the <b>root element</b> (<code>html</code>). It makes <code>rem</code> unit more predictable and easier to manage in large websites."
            "@type": "Question",
            "name": "How to convert pixels to rem unit in CSS?",
            "acceptedAnswer": {
              "@type": "Answer",
              "text": "To convert pixels to rem, you need to know total size of <code>1rem</code>, default is <code>16px</code> <br>Then, just apply formula: <code>px / rem</code> <br>For example, with <code>16px</code> size of <code>1rem</code>, <code>32px</code> will be converted to: <code>32 / 16 = 2rem</code> <br>Check out our <a href=\"/px-to-rem\" target=\"_blank\">PX to REM</a> converter which allows you to easily convert it."
            "@type": "Question",
            "name": "How to convert rem unit to pixels in CSS?",
            "acceptedAnswer": {
              "@type": "Answer",
              "text": "To convert rem to pixels, you need to know total size of <code>1rem</code>, default is <code>16px</code> <br>Then, just apply formula: <code>rem * rem size</code> <br>For example, with <code>16px</code> size of <code>1rem</code>, <code>2rem</code> will be converted to: <code>2 * 16 = 32px</code> <br>Check out our <a href=\"/rem-to-px\" target=\"_blank\">REM to PX</a> converter which allows you to easily convert it."
            "@type": "Question",
            "name": "Can I use rem units for styles other than font-size?",
            "acceptedAnswer": {
              "@type": "Answer",
              "text": "Yes, <code>rem</code> unit can be used for every CSS style property that accepts a length value, not just <code>font-size</code>. For example: <code>width</code>, <code>height</code>, <code>padding</code>, <code>margin</code>, and <code>line-height</code>. Using <code>rem</code> unit for these kind of style properties can help maintain proportional layout for different screens sizes."
            "@type": "Question",
            "name": "Is rem unit supported for all browsers?",
            "acceptedAnswer": {
              "@type": "Answer",
              "text": "Yes, <code>rem</code> unit is widely supported in modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. You can read about support for <code>rem</code> unit in <a href=\"https://caniuse.com/rem\" target=\"_blank\">caniuse</a> documentation."
            "@type": "Question",
            "name": "How does the use of rem unit improve responsive design?",
            "acceptedAnswer": {
              "@type": "Answer",
              "text": "<code>rem</code> unit is extremely beneficial for responsive design. Since <code>rem</code> is relative to the root element, changing the root <code>font-size</code> allows you to <b>adjust the size of all elements</b> defined in <code>rem</code>. This can be done by using media queries, allowing to make different font sizes for different screen breakpoints."
            "@type": "Question",
            "name": "What is the impact of using rem units on browser accessibility?",
            "acceptedAnswer": {
              "@type": "Answer",
              "text": "Using <code>rem</code> unit can significantly improve the accessibility of website. Some users may adjust their browser's default font size for better reading experience. Since <code>rem</code> unit is relative to this base <code>font-size</code>, it allows the layout and spacing of your website to <b>adjust according to the user's preferences</b>, which improves the UX."
            "@type": "Question",
            "name": "Can I use rem unit in combination with another unit?",
            "acceptedAnswer": {
              "@type": "Answer",
              "text": "Yes, <code>rem</code> unit can be used in combination with another CSS unit. It can provide more flexibility in your design. For example, you may use <code>px</code> for <code>border-width</code> (which don't need to scale with text size) and <code>rem</code> unit for <code>padding</code> (which does)."
            "@type": "Question",
            "name": "How do I set the base font size for rem unit?",
            "acceptedAnswer": {
              "@type": "Answer",
              "text": "The base <code>font-size</code> for <code>rem</code> unit is set on the <b>root element</b> (<code>html</code>) by using <code>font-size</code> style property. For example, if you want the base <code>font-size</code> to be <code>20px</code>, you might use: <code>html { font-size: 20px; }</code>. All <code>rem</code> units will be using that size."
            "@type": "Question",
            "name": "What are the best practices for using rem unit?",
            "acceptedAnswer": {
              "@type": "Answer",
              "text": "Some best practices for using <code>rem</code> unit in responsive web design include <b>setting a sensible base font size</b> on the root element, using <code>rem</code> unit for properties that need to scale with text size, and testing the design at different base font sizes to ensure it remains accessible."
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              "url": "https://cssunitconverter.vercel.app/blog/understanding-vw-unit-in-css"