Understanding EM Unit In CSS | CSS Unit Converter

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Understanding EM Unit In CSS

Understanding EM Unit In CSS | CSS Unit Converter

Use cases of em in CSS. The purpose and advantages of em units, demonstrating ways to use em units to improve accessibility and mobile/desktop responsiveness of the website.


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  • Title

    Understanding EM Unit In CSS | CSS Unit Converter

  • Description

    Use cases of em in CSS. The purpose and advantages of em units, demonstrating ways to use em units to improve accessibility and mobile/desktop responsiveness of the website.

  • Keywords

    css, unit, converter, em, unit

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  • HTML

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    <title>Understanding EM Unit In CSS | CSS Unit Converter</title>
    <meta name="description" content="Use cases of em in CSS. The purpose and advantages of em units, demonstrating ways to use em units to improve accessibility and mobile/desktop responsiveness of the website.">
    <meta name="keywords" content="css, unit, converter, em, unit">
    <meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff">
    <meta name="author" content="Arthur Arakelyan">
    <!-- Open Graph Meta Tags -->
    <meta property="og:title" content="Understanding EM Unit In CSS | CSS Unit Converter">
    <meta property="og:description" content="Use cases of em in CSS. The purpose and advantages of em units, demonstrating ways to use em units to improve accessibility and mobile/desktop responsiveness of the website.">
    <meta property="og:url" content="https://cssunitconverter.vercel.app/blog/understanding-em-unit-in-css">
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    <meta name="twitter:title" content="Understanding EM Unit In CSS | CSS Unit Converter">
    <meta name="twitter:description" content="Use cases of em in CSS. The purpose and advantages of em units, demonstrating ways to use em units to improve accessibility and mobile/desktop responsiveness of the website.">
    <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://cssunitconverter.vercel.app/images/og/en/https://cssunitconverter.vercel.app/images/blog/en/understanding-em-unit-in-css/og.png">
  • JSON

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Application schema

  • Schema

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        "dateCreated": "2024-01-10",
        "datePublished": "2024-01-10",
        "dateModified": "2025-01-14",
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        "@context": "https://schema.org",
        "@type": "FAQPage",
        "mainEntity": [
            "@type": "Question",
            "name": "What is the difference between em and rem units?",
            "acceptedAnswer": {
              "@type": "Answer",
              "text": "The main difference between <code>em</code> and <code>rem</code> units lies in their <b>reference points for base size</b>. The <code>em</code> unit is relative to the <code>font-size</code> of its <b>parent element</b>. <code>rem</code> stands for \"root em\", it's only relative to the <b>root element</b> (<code>html</code>). It makes <code>rem</code> unit more predictable and easier to manage in large websites."
            "@type": "Question",
            "name": "How to convert pixels to em in CSS?",
            "acceptedAnswer": {
              "@type": "Answer",
              "text": "To convert pixels to em, you need to know total size of <code>1em</code>, default is <code>16px</code> <br>Then, just apply formula: <code>px / em</code> <br>For example, with <code>16px</code> size of <code>1em</code>, <code>32px</code> will be converted to: <code>32 / 16 = 2em</code> <br>Check out our <a href=\"/px-to-em\" target=\"_blank\">PX to EM</a> converter which allows you to easily convert it."
            "@type": "Question",
            "name": "How to convert em unit to pixels in CSS?",
            "acceptedAnswer": {
              "@type": "Answer",
              "text": "To convert em to pixels, you need to know total size of <code>1em</code>, default is <code>16px</code> <br>Then, just apply formula: <code>em * em size</code> <br>For example, with <code>16px</code> size of <code>1em</code>, <code>2em</code> will be converted to: <code>2 * 16 = 32px</code> <br>Check out our <a href=\"/em-to-px\" target=\"_blank\">EM to PX</a> converter which allows you to easily convert it."
            "@type": "Question",
            "name": "Why should I use EM units instead of pixels?",
            "acceptedAnswer": {
              "@type": "Answer",
              "text": "<code>em</code> unit offers several advantages over pixels. They adjust based on the user's browser settings. This makes your website more accessible to users who increased the <code>font-size</code>. <code>em</code> unit allows for more flexible and responsive design, as they adjust based on the parent element's font-size."
            "@type": "Question",
            "name": "Can I use em units for styles other than font-size?",
            "acceptedAnswer": {
              "@type": "Answer",
              "text": "Yes, <code>em</code> unit can be used for every CSS style property that accepts a length value, not just <code>font-size</code>. For example: <code>width</code>, <code>height</code>, <code>padding</code>, <code>margin</code>, and <code>line-height</code>. Using <code>em</code> unit for these kind of style properties can help maintain proportional layout for different screens sizes."
            "@type": "Question",
            "name": "Is em unit supported for all browsers?",
            "acceptedAnswer": {
              "@type": "Answer",
              "text": "Yes, <code>em</code> unit is widely supported in modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. You can read about support for <code>em</code> unit in <a href=\"https://caniuse.com/rem\" target=\"_blank\">caniuse</a> documentation."
            "@type": "Question",
            "name": "What if I nest elements with EM unit?",
            "acceptedAnswer": {
              "@type": "Answer",
              "text": "If you nest elements which are using <code>em</code> unit, the child element's size will be relative to the parent element's size. This can lead to cases where the size of the child element becomes larger or smaller than expected. To avoid this, you can use <code>rem</code> unit, which is always relative to the root element's (<code>html</code>) size."
            "@type": "Question",
            "name": "Are there any disadvantages of using EM unit?",
            "acceptedAnswer": {
              "@type": "Answer",
              "text": "While <code>em</code> unit offers many advantages, it can be difficult to manage than absolute units like <code>px</code>. Because <code>em</code> unit is relative, its actual size can change based on the parent element's size. It can make it <b>harder to predict the size of elements</b>, especially in complex layouts."
            "@type": "Question",
            "name": "Can I use EM unit in media queries?",
            "acceptedAnswer": {
              "@type": "Answer",
              "text": "Yes, you can use <code>em</code> unit in media queries. In fact, using <code>em</code> unit in media queries can improve the responsiveness of your design. Because <code>em</code> units are relative which means, they adjust based on the user's browser settings. It means your media queries will adapt to the user's settings."
            "@type": "Question",
            "name": "How can I calculate the size of nested elements with EM unit?",
            "acceptedAnswer": {
              "@type": "Answer",
              "text": "To calculate the size of nested elements with <code>em</code> unit, you <b>multiply the parent element's size by the child element's size</b>. For example, if the parent element's size is <code>1.5em</code> and the child element's size is <code>2em</code>, the actual size of the child element would be <code>1.5 * 2 = 3em</code>. It's because the child element's size is relative to the parent element's size."
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              "@id": "https://cssunitconverter.vercel.app/blog/understanding-rem-unit-in-css",
              "@type": "WebPage",
              "name": "Understanding REM Unit In CSS | CSS Unit Converter",
              "url": "https://cssunitconverter.vercel.app/blog/understanding-rem-unit-in-css"
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              "@id": "https://cssunitconverter.vercel.app/blog/understanding-vw-unit-in-css",
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              "url": "https://cssunitconverter.vercel.app/blog/understanding-vw-unit-in-css"