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Website Meta Getter Release
Meet our new free tool with modern UI, light/dark theme support where you can quickly and easily check any website's Meta Tags. It supports almost all meta tags.
If you want to check the meta tags of a website you can fill the Website Address input with the URL of a website in Home page, then submit it by clicking the button right after the input, after that Website Meta Getter will check and provide for you all meta tags the inserted website has.
Meta Tags
Here is the list of meta tags which Website Meta Getter supports
Main HTML meta tags
- title
- description
- keywords
- theme-color
- author
- generator
- publisher
- creator
Open graph protocol meta tags
- og:title
- og:description
- og:url
- og:site_name
- og:locale
- og:type
- og:image
- og:image:url
- og:image:secure_url
- og:image:width
- og:image:height
- og:image:alt
- og:video
- og:video:url
- og:video:secure_url
- og:video:type
- og:video:width
- og:video:height
- og:audio
- og:audio:url
- og:audio:secure_url
- og:audio:type
Twitter meta tags
- twitter:card
- twitter:site
- twitter:site:id
- twitter:creator
- twitter:creator:id
- twitter:title
- twitter:description
- twitter:image
- twitter:image:width
- twitter:image:height
- twitter:image:alt
- twitter:player
- twitter:player:width
- twitter:player:height
- twitter:player:stream
- twitter:app:name:iphone
- twitter:app:id:iphone
- twitter:app:url:iphone
- twitter:app:name:ipad
- twitter:app:id:ipad
- twitter:app:url:ipad
- twitter:app:name:googleplay
- twitter:app:id:googleplay
- twitter:app:url:googleplay
Here is the list of features which Website Meta Getter provides
- PWA it makes possible to install the website then use it as Desktop/Mobile application
- Light/Dark themes
- Checks Meta Tags of any website
- Social Card Preview to help make a better card for social sites
- HTML preview of meta tags
- JSON data of meta tags
We made a very useful feature for front-end developers and SEO specialists, to make website's meta tags checking faster and available at any time. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to Contact Us. Hope you will enjoy this website.